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Lock Jaw Ladder Grip: For Your Personal Safety and Protection

Extension ladder with Lock Jaw Ladder Grip attached, leaning against a building's gutter under a blue sky.

Lock Jaw Ladder Grip is the best ladder safety device on the market

Height safety leadership

Why is Lock Jaw Ladder Grip perfect for your home?

So why should you use Lock Jaw Ladder Grip for your home projects instead of one of the many other products on the market?

It’s easy to use: There’s nothing complicated with Lock Jaw Ladder Grip. It takes five seconds to clamp it on or take it off and there’s no complicated set of instructions to learn. It’s perfect for busy people who want to get the household chores or the renovation over and done with.

It works with just about any ladder and clamps on to just about any gutter: No matter how unique you may think your ladder or your gutter is, chances are the device clamps on just fine.

It’s easy to store: With its practical and relatively small design, the device is easy to put away once you’re done.

It’s reasonably priced: Lock Jaw Ladder Grip won’t clean out your bank account and we think you’ll agree it offers plenty of value for money.

100% commitment to quality, service and improvement: Our commitment to our customers involves listening to their feedback and continually striving to improve. We want to ensure we have the very best product on the market.

Other ladder safety tips

As well as using Lock Jaw Ladder Grip, there are other steps you can take (no pun intended) to ensure a safer ladder experience around your home:

For starters, check the condition of the ladder. Ensure it’s the right height for the jobs you intend to use it for and if possible check its weight capacity. Make sure it’s fitted with non-slip safety feet. And don’t forget to read the manufacturer’s instructions.

Store the ladder in a dry place to stop it from corroding and warping.

Don’t use the ladder in wet or windy conditions. Place it on level ground. Make sure the top of the ladder extends at least one metre over the top where it’s resting.

When climbing the ladder, stay in the centre. If you’re using a step ladder, climb only to the second rung from the top. If it’s an extension ladder, stop on the third rung from the top.

Wear non-slip footwear on the ladder, never let two or more people climb it at once and find another person to hold the ladder if possible.

Ladder a great tool but working at height is dangerous

You might be the DIY type, handy around the house or a retired professional, but there’s one aspect of the job you can’t afford to skip on: ladder safety.

Ladders are useful tools but dangerous ones too. They cause more deaths and injuries than any other product in the home. Ladder falls cause injuries to the head, chest and spine, and traumatic brain injury is responsible for most ladder-related deaths. Sadly while ladder-related injuries in the workplace have been decreasing, injuries in the home have been on the rise. Men over 60 are the demographic most at risk.

But you don’t have to pack your ladder away for good. Using quality ladder safety devices makes the job a lot safer, and right now it’s hard to beat Lock Jaw Ladder Grip when it comes to ladder safety

What is Lock Jaw Ladder Grip?

A ladder safety accessory that’s been on the market since 2009, Lock Jaw Ladder Grip is changing the face of ladder safety both in the workplace and in the home. Robert and Craig Charlton developed the tool after a process of rigorous testing and using only the finest materials. Since then, they’ve had customers from all walks of life, from small business owners to DIY renovators and even the Fire and Rescue service in the Swedish town of Helsingborg, who ended up making it their standard.

The success of the device lies not just in its quality but also how inexpensive it is to purchase and how easy it is to use. Lock Jaw has a spring-loaded handle that unlocks the device. You can attach it to your ladder using a two-way adjustable bar and then, with the bar firmly against the ladder rail, place the jaws of the device over the gutter and push the handle down to lock it again.